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Revue de presse "Nom de domaine"

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11/05/13 - Les CPU Intel Haswell vendus en Chine

Les premiers exemplaires des nouveaux processeurs Haswell d’Intel sont maintenant disponibles à la vente sur le site chinois taobao, selon les informations recueillies par VR-Zone et traduites par WCCFTech.

10/05/13 - Norway's Crown Prince And Princess Talk Startups And Try Out The Oculus Rift

Norway's Crown Prince Haakon and his wife Princess Mette-Marit were in Silicon Valley this week, and I asked them about their hopes to bring more startups and innovation to their home country. I interviewed Haakon and Mette-Marit at Norway's Innovation House Silicon Valley, a co-working space in Palo Alto for Norwegian startups looking to enter the US market. The couple saw demos from several startups — the prince even tried on some Oculus Rift virtual reality goggles — it was part of Making View's demo of its technology for capturing and exploring 360-degree video footage.

10/05/13 - Mark Zuckerberg's Lobby Unraveling As Musk And Sacks Leave

The technology industry's newest high-powered political lobby,, is unraveling just a month after it launched, as two of its biggest partners, Tesla's Elon Musk and Yammer's David Sacks, leave the organization. Begun with a reported $20 million of Mark Zuckerberg's own money, and rare op-ed by the politically shy

10/05/13 - Sina Weibo Will Monetize Through E-Commerce, Not Ads, Alibaba CTO Jian Says

One interesting thing to watch is how social networking platforms mature divergently as businesses around the world. Sina Weibo, the public microblogging platform that has had a huge impact on online discourse in China, is veering down a path toward e-commerce and transactions after Alibaba took a stake worth $586 million in it last month. The platform is one of the two more influential social networks in China today, with the other being Tencent's messaging app WeChat.

10/05/13 - Archos Xenon 80 : tablette 3G / Wi-Fi sous Android Jelly Bean à prix attractif

Déjà bien fourni, le catalogue de tablettes de la société française Archos s’agrandit encore avec une nouvelle référence 80 Xenon positionnée en milieu de gamme.

10/05/13 - Through The Looking Glass: What You'll See Through Google's Lens [TCTV]

I've spent a little over three weeks with Google Glass, and I've noted that the utility aspect of the device is strong, but the fun isn't there yet. It feels a lot like the original iPhone did, before it had the App Store.

10/05/13 - Le Troll de la semaine : Spotify et le téléchargement illégal

Un bug présent dans Google Chrome a permis à un nombre indéterminé d'initiés de télécharger gratuitement tous les titres présents dans Spotify. Serait-ce un test déguisé de la licence globale ou une nouvelle faille de sécurité ?

10/05/13 - Le recap' des tests : la mobilité pour toutes les bourses

Aujourd'hui, une fois n'est pas coutume, le récapitulatif des tests s'attarde sur une sélection de smartphones haut de gamme ainsi qu'une tablette chinoise de 7 pouces aux allures de couteau Suisse. Pour savoir de quoi il retourne, suivez le guide.

10/05/13 - Formlabs Prepares To Ship The Super Sexy Form One 3D Printer

The boy geniuses of Formlabs, David Cranor, Maxim Lobovsky, and Natan Linder have posted a video detailing their Form One 3D printer, one of the most well-put-together 3D printing devices we've seen in a while. The Form One uses a form of stereolithography that prints the objects "upside down" by activating polymers with laser light. The resulting objects come out of a bath of plastic looking like Neo tumbling out of his oozing cocoon in The Matrix.

10/05/13 - SSD : le marché va exploser d’ici 2017 !

Ce n'est pas un secret : les SSD, les fameux disques à mémoire flash, remportent un franc succès depuis plusieurs mois. Et apparemment cela n'est pas prêt de s'arrêter si l'on en croit les analystes qui prédisent que les chiffres ... Continuer la lecture →

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