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Revue de presse "Nom de domaine"

Nous mettons à votre disposition une revue de presse consacrée aux noms de domaine. Consultez ci-dessous les dernières actualités.

14/05/13 - Google offre maintenant 15 Go de cloud

Google combine les capacités de stockage de ses services Drive, Gmail et Google + Photo pour un total de 15 Go. Auparavant, les utilisateurs avaient 10 Go pour Gmail et 5 Go pour le reste.

14/05/13 - Pegatron arracherait l'iPhone des mains de Foxconn

Apple aurait décidé d’utiliser les services de Pegatron pour la fabrication de certains iPhone, dont les soi-disant modèles d’entrée de gamme que les rumeurs prédisent pour l’automne.

14/05/13 - MC Frontalot Brings Us Eine Kleine Nerdcore

TechCrunch favorite MC Frontalot and filmmaker Caly Monardo have created a video for "I'll Form The Head," a rap song about a Voltron-esque group of heroes fighting a worm monster in their rhino robotic vehicles. Each one wants to form the head, and they explain this in surprisingly eloquent terms.

14/05/13 - Google tempère les attentes avant sa grande conférence

HIGH-TECH - Google I/O devrait être davantage tournée vers les développeurs et moins vers le grand public

14/05/13 - Hacker Andrew Auernheimer Placed In Solitary Confinement For Tweeting From Prison

Andrew "Weev" Auernheimer has been placed in "administrative segregation," prison shorthand for solitary confinement for "investigative purposes." Supporters believe he was locked down and given no Internet access because of his ability to send Tweets to a third party who relayed them on his private account. Auernheimer has not sent electronic messages since April 8.

14/05/13 - Google Launches Version 1.1 Of Its Go Programming Language, Promises Noticeable Performance Boost

Google today launched version 1.1 of its open source Go programming language. It's been more than a year since Google launched version 1.0 of Go. The language, which puts an emphasis on concurrency and speed, has seen three maintenance releases since then, but the team has been conservative with bumping up its version numbers.

14/05/13 - Our Favorite Startups From China-Based Hardware Accelerator Haxlr8r's Second Demo Day

Today in San Francisco, Haxlr8r had its second demo day, introducing 10 new hardware-based startups which just spent the last two-and-a-half months building hardware in Shenzhen, China. Today's demo day had a diverse group of companies, with everything from WiFi-connected lights to air robots to brain-scanning headbands to, um, mobile phone-controlled sex toys. These were our favorites.

14/05/13 - Fundraising Trouble At Kids Clothing Startup Wittlebee Leads Sean Percival To Give Up CEO Role

Co-founder Sean Percival is walking away from his CEO position at the children's subscription clothing startup Wittlebee after it had trouble raising a Series A. Amidst a tough fundraising climate for ecommerce startups, Sean says he thinks Wittlebee will continue operating but it's up to the board of directors. No replacement has been selected yet for the content ninja and former Myspace VP.

14/05/13 - Dots

I'm addicted to Dots. It's betaworks' new game. 389. That's my high score. No power-ups. I'm pretty proud of it. The game consumes my time. I no longer browse reddit during my "private times"; I play Dots. Dots is simple. It's elegant. The game has restored my faith in mobile game development. But more importantly, it's fucking addicting. I can't put it down.

13/05/13 - Mobile Messaging Apps: A Primer

The global mobile messaging app space is the new social battleground. Startups that would have had little chance of unseating Facebook’s dominance on the web are attacking Zuckerberg’s empire by refocusing social networking around the mobile phone contacts book. Enter your phone number, and these apps already know who all your friends are. No need to go laboriously recreating your social graph.

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