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Revue de presse "Nom de domaine"

Nous mettons à votre disposition une revue de presse consacrée aux noms de domaine. Consultez ci-dessous les dernières actualités.

18/05/13 - Google Doodle : Honneur à Charles Trenet

Google rend hommage à Charles Trenet, le fou chantant qui aurait eu 100 ans le 18 mai. Un micro, un air jovial, un canotier et quelques notes de musique illustrent ce Doodle. Tantôt conspué, tantôt adulé, le chanteur a marqué des générations entières. Sans oublier son côté raciste, on se souvient surtout des airs entrainants [...]

18/05/13 - Tumblr May Reject Yahoo's $1.1B Acquisition Offer For Being “Too Low”

Sources close to to acquisition talks between Yahoo and Tumblr say the blogging platform feels that Yahoo's $1.1 billion offer as "too low" and view it as "only a first offer". Yahoo may have to significantly increase the offer to close the deal. An acquisition by some tech giant is likely in the cards for Tumblr, though, as sources say the company only has a couple of months of cash runway left.

18/05/13 - Goldman Sachs perd confiance en AMD

James Covello de Goldman Sachs a abaissé la note qu’il a attribuée à AMD et conseille maintenant de vendre le titre qu’il estime surévalué, selon Bloomberg Businessweek.

18/05/13 - GrubHub And Seamless In Talks To Merge

Today, thanks to the maturation of the web, digital tech, and smartphones now in seemingly every pocket, startups are finding it easier than ever before to build scalable solutions to finally address the many inefficiencies in our food manufacturing, production and distribution systems. As interest in food tech balloons,

18/05/13 - HTC Pledges To Pump Up ‘One' Production While Samsung's New Flagship Ships Like Crazy

Oh HTC. You've produced one of the finest Android smartphones ever (seriously, just look at all these reviews), but you've faced more than your share of challenges when it came to actually pumping your top-tier One smartphone. As it happens, that may all soon change. FocusTaiwan reported earlier today that HTC is preparing to pump out more of its wonderful Ones in short order -- Jack Tong, the company's North Asia president, noted that this month's production capacity for the flagship device is twice that of April, and that surge will only continue into June.

18/05/13 - Google Now Introduces Mark Up Tools For Select Partners To Flag Flights, Hotel Stays And Reservations In Emails

Google made a relatively quiet announcement today regarding how it's pushing the developer ecosystem forward around Google Now, its intelligent personal assistant for Android devices. The company has begun extending mark up tools for emails from select partners, which help highlight flight schedules, hotel bookings and various types of reservations, to make sure that Gmail can spot that information and use it to auto-generate helpful reminders in Google Now.

17/05/13 - Les Bons Plans de JIBAKA : Duke Nukem 3D

Steam propose le jeu Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition à 4,99 E, de quoi rejouer un grand classique du FPS.Lire la suite...

17/05/13 - Un smartphone Android Jelly Bean 4,7 pouces à 100 euros chez Xiaomi

Connu pour ses smartphones à tarif attractif, le constructeur chinois Xiaomi aurait un modèle à 100 euros dans les cartons. Voilà qui mérite un coup d’œil.

17/05/13 - Firefox 23 Lands In Aurora Channel: Kills Blink Element, Introduces Slew Of New Dev Tools

Mozilla today bumped up Firefox Aurora, the pre-beta release channel of the popular browser, to version 23. With this, it is introducing a number of new tools for developers that will now slowly make their way into the stable release channel over the next few months. Sadly (or maybe not), this is also the first version of Firefox that does away with the good old blink element, a former staple of the horrid GeoCities websites of the 90s.

16/05/13 - Google's Products Are Just By-Products Of Its Quest For Tomorrow

Google isn't about search, apps, or devices. Those are just vehicles, and there's no destination. That's because Larry Page's Google is on an unending pursuit of the future, not just next quarter's earnings. The scattershot of projects Google revealed today at I/O had just one unifying factor: They further that pursuit, or empower the curiosity of others.

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