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Revue de presse "Nom de domaine"

Nous mettons à votre disposition une revue de presse consacrée aux noms de domaine. Consultez ci-dessous les dernières actualités.

30/11/17 - Jony Ive : « l’iPhone 7 est désormais dépassé »

Jony Ive, Chief Design Officer d’Apple, s’est récemment entretenu avec le Smithsonian Magazine. Revenant sur ses débuts professionnels, il explique comment il a commencé à travailler dans le design grâce à son père, lui même professeur de design et de technologie mais également orfèvre. Un Noël, ce dernier lui propose un marché : si le jeune Jony ...

30/11/17 - Un piratage perturbe la fabrication d'un vaccin

Un vaccin destiné à lutter contre le cancer de l’utérus en rupture de stock à la suite du piratage informatique d'un laboratoire pharmaceutique. Un vaccin en rupture de stock à la suite d'une cyber malveillance ! Le piratage informatique peut entraîner des conséquences particulièrement p... Cet article Un piratage perturbe la fabrication d"un vaccin est apparu en premier sur ZATAZ.

30/11/17 - We’re hitting rock bottom in cyber — let’s do something

When it comes to the cybersecurity problem, where is rock bottom? Internet security is in a state of crisis. With their shocking scope and targeting of some of society's most critical infrastructure, recent attacks are making some of the incidents that used to alarm us almost seem quaint by comparison. And yet, where is the outrage? Read More

30/11/17 - Coinbase ordered to turn over data on users trading more than $20,000 to the IRS

Most digital currencies exist in a sort of twilight state just beyond the grasp of federal regulators, but the U.S. tax authority is starting to get savvy to this whole Bitcoin thing. On Wednesday, a federal judge in San Francisco ruled that Coinbase must supply the IRS with identifying information on users who had more than $20,000 in annual transactions on its platform between 2013 and... Read More

30/11/17 - Un piratage perturbe la fabrication d'un vaccin

Des médicaments en rupture de stock en Belgique à la suite du piratage informatique du laboratoire pharmaceutique MSD. Le piratage informatique peut entraîner des conséquences particulièrement perturbantes pour un pays entier. A l'image du cas ayant touché le laboratoire pharmaceutique MSD, en... Cet article Un piratage perturbe la fabrication d"un vaccin est apparu en premier sur ZATAZ.

30/11/17 - Streaming : Reputation, le dernier album de Taylor Swift est

Quasiment un mois après sa sortie, le nouvel album de Taylor Swift, Reputation est enfin disponible sur Apple Music. Auparavant, la chanteuse en avait déjà dévoilé quatre singles sur la plateforme pommée, dont Look You You Made Me Do, ... Ready For It?, Gorgeous, et Call It What You Want.Cette sortie intervient dans un contexte assez tendu dans le...

30/11/17 - Qualcomm alleges that Apple’s iPhone infringes on Palm Pre patents

Shortly after the announcement of the iPhone X in September, my colleague Natasha Lomas noted the similarities between the phone and how WebOS operated on the Palm Pre. She ended her article, noting “in the iPhone X it's clear you're looking at a little ghost of the Pre.” It seems that Qualcomm's legal team was taking note, they cited that line in a complaint... Read More

30/11/17 - Google Home learns how to multitask

Google's smart speaker got a little smarter this week, with the addition of a multitasking feature. The new capability make it possible for the device to accomplish two different missions at the same time. It was rolled out with little fanfare and first noted by CNET. We've since confirmed the addition with Google. It's a bit surprising that the company rolled it out to... Read More

30/11/17 - Amazon adds in-skill purchases to Alexa

There was clearly a lot of ground to cover at tonight's AWS re:Invent Alexa State of the Union — but lets be real, the most important bit was how the company plans to make a little money for its developers. After all, Amazon appears to be raking in the dough, with all of the Alexa devices it's been selling ahead of the holidays, but what of the lowly developer? The most... Read More

30/11/17 - Alexa is arriving in Australia and New Zealand early next year

One more bit of news out of tonight's Alexa State of the Union Keynote at AWS Re:Invent in Vegas. Amazon is finally bringing its voice service to Oceania. After several months of rumblings, the company announced today that Alexa will be arriving in Australia and New Zealand at some unspecified point in early 2018. In the meantime, it's opening up its tools for developers, in order... Read More

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