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Revue de presse "Nom de domaine"

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07/11/18 - China’s obsession with short videos has its internet giants worried

Take a subway ride in China and expect to see a lot of commuters' eyes glued to TikTok videos on their phones. Video clips like TikTok's are now consuming nearly nine percent of Chinese people's time online, a 5.2 percent jump from 2017, according to app analytics firm QuestMobile. Apps such as TikTok — which [...]

06/11/18 - Procreate se met à jour pour le nouvel iPad Pro

Quelques heures avant la commercialisation du nouvel iPad Pro et de l’Apple Pencil 2, Procreate reçoit sa seconde importante mise à jour de l’année. Le logiciel d’illustration se dote ainsi de nouvelles fonctionnalités : formes, outils de recadrage et masques d’écrêtage, ainsi que de nouveaux outils destinés aux workflow professionnels.Au menu, on...

06/11/18 - Voiture électrique : la charge ultra-rapide sans fil est pour bientôt

Alors que BMW commercialise le premier dispositif de charge par induction pour voiture, des chercheurs americains experimentent deja des systemes beaucoup plus puissants.

06/11/18 - Tinder now has 4.1M paying users, expects $800M in revenue this year

Tinder is leading growth for Match Group (NASDAQ: MTCH), which posted third-quarter earnings of 44 cents per share on Tuesday.

06/11/18 - TWIICE One Exoskeleton furthers the promise of robotic mobility aids

Few things in the world of technology can really ever be said to be "done," and certainly exoskeletons are not among their number. They exist, but they are all works in progress, expensive, heavy, and limited. So it's great to see this team working continuously on their TWIICE robotic wearable, improving it immensely with the guidance of motivated users.

06/11/18 - Comment activer Windows 10 avec une clé de produit Windows 7 ?

Windows 7 est loin d’être un système d’exploitation dépassé cependant sa fin de vie approche et l’adoption de Windows 10 sera nécessaire. Microsoft a prévu d’abandonner Windows 7 en janvier 2020. A cette date, il sera livré à lui-même. En clair le géant ne proposera plus de mise à jour de sécurité et de corrections ... The post Comment activer Windows 10 avec une clé de produit Windows 7 ? appeared first on GinjFo.

06/11/18 - Three ways to avoid bias in machine learning

At this moment in history it’s impossible not to see the problems that arise from human bias. Now magnify that by compute and you start to get a sense for just how dangerous human bias via machine learning can be.

06/11/18 - Tink Labs, which gives free-to-use smartphones to hotel guests, is raising $300M

Tink Labs, a Hong Kong startup that develops smartphones that hotels provide to their guests for free, is raising a new round of up to $300 million to further its international footprint, TechCrunch has come to understand. The startup is in the final stages of completing the deal that could give its six-year-old business a [...]

06/11/18 - Hours before U.S. election day, Facebook pulls dozens of accounts for ‘coordinated inauthentic behavior’

Facebook has pulled the plug on 30 accounts and 85 Instagram accounts that the company says were engaged in “coordinated inauthentic behavior.” Facebook's head of cybersecurity policy Nathaniel Gleicher revealed the latest batch of findings in a late-night blog post Monday. “On Sunday evening, U.S. law enforcement contacted us about online activity that they recently [...]

06/11/18 - India’s Meesho, which enables social commerce via WhatsApp, raises $50M

Meesho, a Bangalore-based social commerce startup, has closed a $50 million investment to grow its business in its Indian homeland ahead of future international expansion. This Series C round means that Meesho, which graduated Y Combinator in 2016, has now raised three funding rounds in the past year. Its $3.4 million Series A came in [...]

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