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Revue de presse "Nom de domaine"

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15/11/18 - Sweet Escape connects travelers to photographers for truly Insta-worthy holiday pics

The rise of smartphone cameras and social media in recent years has fuelled a new level of marking and sharing memories using photos, but one startup is betting that people are prepared to go the next level and spend money to hire professional photographers to make their photos even better. Focused on travel, Sweet Escape [...]

15/11/18 - New York politicians push back on Amazon HQ2 plans

Amazon’s HQ2 process was bound to polarize (though I do enjoy a good dueling op-ed on these pages) no matter how it landed. But the decision to set up shop in New York City is likely ruffling more feathers than just about any other possible outcome. As a resident of neighboring Astoria, Queens, the less [...]

15/11/18 - Indiegogo’s guaranteed shipping provides refunds for failed campaigns

For all the potential upsides of crowdfunding, backing a project always feels like a gamble. And some fairly high profile campaigns over the last few years have helped removed some of the model’s luster. Indiegogo’s hoping to curb some of those failures with guaranteed shipping, a new feature that suspends funding unless a product actual [...]

15/11/18 - Dolby releases branded wireless headphones

Dolby’s been making a bigger push for consumer recognition in the last few years, so it was really just a matter of time before it released a branded product. As far as those things go, headphones make as much sense as anything. Even so, the over-ear bluetooth headphone market is a tough on to crack, [...]

14/11/18 - Prolific swatter and bomb hoaxer who broke up FCC’s net neutrality vote pleads guilty

It was a dramatic moment during the FCC's net neutrality proceedings last December when the Commission's public meeting was abruptly evacuated and bomb squads moved in — all while thousands watched on the live stream. The person who called in that threat has just entered a guilty plea to that and numerous other crimes, including a SWAT hoax that killed a man.

14/11/18 - Skincare startup Heyday raises $8M

Heyday, a startup aiming to make facials more affordable and personalized, announced today that it has raised $8 million in Series A funding. I first wrote about the company a year ago, when it raised its $3 million seed round. At the time, co-founder and CEO Adam Ross said his goal was to offer something [...]

14/11/18 - PC Gamer 850€ - Entrée de gamme lv1

Written by: AdministratorBudget d'environ : 850€ Performante et polyvalente en 1080p (Full HD) Conçu dans un thème noir avec des touches blanches , elle dispose d'un Ryzen 5 2600 et d'une RX 580 Sapphire Nitro Dernière Mise à jour le ...

14/11/18 - Mark Zuckerberg a demandé à ses managers d’abandonner leurs iPhone

On savait Mark Zuckerberg et Tim Cook plutôt en froid depuis le scandale de Cambridge Analytica et ce n’est pas cette dernière décision qui risque de les rapprocher. Selon le New York Times, le CEO de Facebook a apparemment forcé son équipe de direction de ne plus utiliser d’iPhone et de rester sur Android. Cette demande aurait été consécutive à qu...

14/11/18 - Windows 10 v1809, Microsoft fait son Mea-Culpa, vraiment ?

Windows 10 v1809 est désormais de retour dans le service Windows Update. Microsoft a finalement décidé de reprendre son déploiement mondial après un mois d’attente et le développement de multiples corrections de bugs. Sur un plan technique, Windows 10 October 2018 Update devrait proposer une expérience considérablement améliorée. De son côté le géant utilise une ... The post Windows 10 v1809, Microsoft fait son Mea-Culpa, vraiment ? appeared first on GinjFo.

14/11/18 - Airbnb hosts offer free housing to evacuees displaced by California wildfires

With California's recent cluster of devastating wildfires destroying homes and claiming lives, Airbnb is offering some shelter to displaced residents in its home state. This week, the company added free housing listings to serve evacuees affected by the Hill and Woolsey Fires outside Los Angeles and the Camp Fire in northern California. The free Airbnb [...]

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