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Revue de presse "Nom de domaine"

Nous mettons à votre disposition une revue de presse consacrée aux noms de domaine. Consultez ci-dessous les dernières actualités.

07/02/18 - Nouvel article sur Bhmag : Test du SSD Crucial MX500 de 500 Go

Un nouvel article vient d'être publié sur Bhmag. Il s'agit du test du Crucial MX500 dans sa version 500 Go. Pour découvrir ce que vaut ce disque, je vous invite à consulter notre test sur cette page. - Test du ... Continuer la lecture →

07/02/18 - David Sacks’s new startup wants make it safer for old-guard industries to jump into crypto

SEC chairman Jay Clayton made clear today that his agency, along with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, remains acutely concerned about initial coin offerings and crytocurrency trades. In fact, toward that end, they're now looking for more expansive powers when it comes to protecting customers on cryptocurrency exchanges from fraud. “When you have an unregulated... Read More

07/02/18 - SpaceX’s spacesuited Starman mannequin serves a real purpose

SpaceX put a “Starman” into space today, on a path to a potential wide looping orbit of Mars and Earth — it was actually a mannequin wearing an official SpaceX crew flight suit, but it was more than just a fun payload for a rocket that stood every chance of exploding mid-flight, it turns out. Read More

07/02/18 - Elon Musk says SpaceX to focus on BFR following Falcon Heavy launch

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk said at a press event for the just-launched Falcon Heavy that SpaceX will now begin focusing in earnest on ‘BFR,' the code name for its next big space launch vehicle. BFR (aka ‘big f*cking rocket' in case you lack imagination) will be designed to be a vehicle capable of using a single stage to make it all the way to orbit, with fully loaded tanks.... Read More

06/02/18 - L'iPad serait la tablette la plus populaire au monde en 2017

Selon le cabinet de recherche IDC, l’iPad serait la tablette la plus populaire au monde en 2017 et dépasserait allègrement ses concurrents. Apple aurait ainsi vendu un total de 43,842 millions de tablettes l'an passé (comme le confirment les résultats trimestriels publiés la semaine dernière (Tim Cook l'avait bien dit pourtant !). Les ventes se ven...

06/02/18 - Falcon Heavy : premier tir réussi, le Roadster Tesla et Starman en orbite

Le pari était osé mais il est réussi : le lanceur lourd Falcon Heavy a réussi son décollage pour sa toute première mission, plaçant temporairement le Roadster Tesla et son Starman en orbite tandis que les deux boosters latéraux ont atterri en douceur dans une synchronisation quasi-parfaite.

06/02/18 - Qu'est-ce que la majorité numérique que la France veut fixer à 15 ans ?

Le projet de loi sur la protection des données personnelles, examiné à partir de mardi 6 février à l'Assemblée nationale, prévoit de fixer à 15 ans l'âge de la majorité numérique. Voici cinq questions pour mieux comprendre les enjeux autour de cette notion.

06/02/18 - Where do we go now?

The crypto crash is reverberating through the Internet while the “rest” of the economy – namely the stock market – enters free fall. Commentary on the very human and thus flawed stock market is still well within the realm of pundits and guys who press funny buttons on TV, whither crypto? First, the die hards are chiming in noting that they are retaining their... Read More

06/02/18 - Get smart about smart glasses: here are 15 companies building futuristic AR eyewear

Today, Intel showed off a pretty awesome-looking pair of smart glasses that look better than pretty much anything we've seen to date. It's unclear what the development future will be for the glasses as the company is reportedly exploring a partial sale of the division and it has already shut down work on its “merged reality” headset program. While there are a lot of... Read More

06/02/18 - Twitter’s director of AR/VR leaves the company

The head of Twitter's AR/VR team announced today via a tweet that he is leaving the social media site after 18 months. Alessandro Sabatelli joined Twitter in June of 2016 after leaving a virtual reality startup he led which created music-focused VR experiences. Sabatelli had previously worked as a designer at Apple. We've reached out to Sabatelli for more details on what... Read More

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