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The Libreboot T400 doesn't look like much. It's basically a refurbished Lenovo Thinkpad with the traditional Lenovo/IBM pointer nubbin and a small touchpad. It's a plain black laptop, as familiar as any luggable assigned to a cubicle warrior on the road. But, under the hood, you have a machine that fights for freedom. The T400 runs Libreboot, a free and open BIOS and the... Read More
Snap took a beating yesterday in its Q2 earnings, but in the midst of the disappointing financials and user growth numbers, the company's 10-Q SEC document filed today also confirms that it purchased social maps app Zenly for $213 million, as TechCrunch first reported. After Snapchat rolled out its location-sharing Snap Map feature in June, many were quick to point out the interface... Read More
Machine learning techniques excel at doing a good-enough job quickly in situations where there's lots of data to grind through. It turns out that's a great fit for backlogs of plant samples at herbariums and other repositories around the world, which have millions of the things waiting to be digitized and identified — including some that may be new to science. Read More
Global coworking behemoth WeWork is best known for providing flexible office rentals to startups and other small businesses, but enterprise clients are becoming an increasingly large portion of its business. With that in mind, WeWork has acquired Israeli startup Unomy to help its team sell enterprise clients on the idea of opening up offices in its workspaces around the world. Read More
Facebook launches Watch Tab, Coinbase raises a $100 million Series D, Consumer Reports pulls its Microsoft Surface recommendation and 500 Startups Australia falls apart. All this on Crunch Report Read More
Vous avez toujours eu envie de vous mettre à la guitare sans jamais en prendre le temps ? Les vacances sont le moment idéal pour apprendre à jouer d'un nouvel instrument, et la technologie peut (une fois de plus) vous y aider. Avec la bonne technique et un peu de persévérance vous pourrez même jouer « Jeux interdits » sur la plage avant la fin de l'été... N'en déplaise aux joueurs de piano ou de batterie, la guitare reste un instrument à part, puisqu'on peut apprendre à s'en servir correctement (avec les [...]
Les manifestations numériques signées Binary Guardians s'intensifient au Venezuela, les cyberattaques se multiplient : plusieurs millions de téléphones coupés en quelques minutes. Piratage de sites Internet de l'armée et du gouvernement ; blocage de plusieurs millions de téléphones ; att... Cet article Cyberattaques massives signées Binary Guardians au Venezuela est apparu en premier sur ZATAZ.
Google CEO Sundar Pichai was expected to hold an all-hands meeting this afternoon in light of now-former Google engineer James Damore's post about differences between men and women. Shortly before it was scheduled to start, Pichai sent out a note to employees letting them know it's cancelled, Recode reports. Some employees reportedly expressed fear that they'd be targets... Read More
Google Home est le nouvel assistant vocal en provenance de chez Google. Google Home est une enceinte intelligente à fonction de commande vocale, qui vous permettra de savoir en exemple le temps qu'il fait ou encore lui demander d'allumer ou d'eteindre le poste de télévision, et etc... un assistant qui pour certains rendra de bons services. Nos confrères de proposent un article sur le sujet que vous pouvez consulter sur leur site web. Consulter l'article CLIQUEZ ICI"CLIQUEZ ICI
LaterPay is offering media companies a business model that goes beyond subscriptions and ads. Cosmin Ene, the German startup's founder and CEO, argued that while some publications are having success with paywalls and online subscriptions, it's an approach that only convinces the most loyal readers to pay. So LaterPay is trying to help monetize “the vast space”... Read More
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