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Revue de presse "Nom de domaine"

Nous mettons à votre disposition une revue de presse consacrée aux noms de domaine. Consultez ci-dessous les dernières actualités.

02/11/16 - Amazon, vers le cloud hybride

Amazon se tourne vers le cloud hybride en proposant dorénavant son propre Linux pour datacenters. - APPS

02/11/16 - Plus de transparence pour la Défense

Le contrat Microsoft/Défense fait vivement réagir la communauté d'utilisateurs des logiciels libres. - Revue/Tribunes

02/11/16 - Applications mobiles : des revenus records pour iOS en Chine et Pokemon Go

App Annie, qui est une plateforme des solutions d'analyse de données provenant d'applications mobiles, vient de publier son étude sur les chiffres du 3ème trimestre 2016 de l'app-économie. L'étude révèle que la Chine a le record

02/11/16 - Crunch Report | Instagram Shoppable Photos

Instagram. shopping, commerce, photos, google, launches, tango. AR, phones, lenovo, mobile, desktop, sony, profit, wearable, headphones, new, tech, tech, news, recap, review, hands on, Silicon Valley, Tito, hamze, TechCrunch, crunch, report, disrupt Read More

02/11/16 - Tools that help startups scale effectively

If you wanted to start your own tech business 10 years ago, you needed deep pockets and extensive knowledge of building the various parts of a company yourself. But you should neither need a hefty amount of capital nor a degree in engineering. If you have a great idea, you should be able to focus on that idea and not have to worry about building non-core parts of your business from scratch. Read More

02/11/16 - Cross River Bank gets unconventional validation with a $28M VC round

In a rare move, Battery Ventures, Andreessen Horowitz and Ribbit Capital, investors in a number of Silicon Valley's fintech startups, have backed the bank enabling many of their investments to lurch forward. Cross River Bank, the obscure financial institution that seemingly everyone in fintech has heard of but doesn't really know, originated more than $2.4 billion in loans for... Read More

02/11/16 - Microsoft strives to give computers common sense with Concept Graph

Today, Microsoft Research is publicly releasing its effort to tackle just one of the problems plaguing natural language understanding — knowledge. The company believes that background knowledge is one of the key separators between the way humans and machines understand language. Probase, a knowledge database Microsoft has been working on for quite some time, is serving as the base for... Read More

01/11/16 - Doorman cancels unlimited deliveries, cites “losing money”

If you live in a building with a doorman, you don't need Doorman. If you don't, you do. The company is making it easy to accept deliveries when you're out and about, but realized it was getting so successful in changing the patterns of how its customers do online shopping, that it was effectively losing money on each customer. Read More

01/11/16 - Facebook officially announces Gameroom, its PC Steam competitor

After losing mobile gaming to iOS and Android, Facebook is making a big push into playing on PC with today's developer launch of its Gameroom Windows desktop gaming platform. After months of name changes, beta tests, and dev solicitation, Facebook opened up the beta build for all developers and officially named it Gameroom. The app is openly available for users to download on Windows 7... Read More

01/11/16 - Primtux2, encore plus libre

L'équipe de Primtux dévoile une nouvelle version, plus libre et au style plus moderne. - APPS

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