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Microsoft continue de travailler sur l'interopérabilité de Windows et Linux avec Windows Subsystem for Linux. - APPS
Watch_Dogs 2 : Chose promise, chose due. Comme vous avez pu le suivre en « live » sur Twitter, je vous ai présenté en direct de San Francisco l'ambiance autour du jeu Watch Dogs 2, ZATAZ vous offre le jeu traitant de hacking et de piratage informatique de l'éditeur Ub... Cet article Gagnez jeux, figurines et goodies Watch_Dogs 2 est apparu en premier sur ZATAZ.
Wait, wait, wait! Before your eyes glaze over at the word “slideshow,” stay with me for a moment. Yes, we're all bored to tears with slideslows, but Sharalike's brand new VR app has been rubbing its medical paddles together to try to jolt some life into your old 2D photos by teleporting them into your VR headset. Read More
Who wants to read up on candidates' policies, attend rallies or even watch a debate? You just want to jump into the bed of democracy with the one who turns you on politically, right? Who would bother to vote in the future if a set of sophisticated algorithms just identified, by trawling your data mine, your ideal candidate? Read More
Apple is working to match the demand for the iPhone 7 Plus as best as it can, but it might not meet all the demand by the end of the year, CEO Tim Cook said on the investor call discussing its fourth-quarter earnings. “It's hard to say,” Cook said in response to an investor question about whether the iPhone would hit supply/demand equilibrium by the end of the next quarter. Read More
Many Americans learned through Lending Club that they can refinance their credit card debt online; now, the lending marketplace is hoping they'll start refinancing their automotive loans using its platform, too. Indeed, though automotive lending is a massive market, car refinance is far smaller owing to a lack of awareness, suggests Lending Club CEO Scott Sanborn, who we spoke with... Read More
Des images du MacBook Pro avec sa barre OLED tactile ont fait leur apparition, en amont de l'événement Hello Again d'Apple du 27 octobre.
Le site Internet Carte de réduction de la société de location de voitures Hertz avait une fuite de données. Il était possible d'accéder aux données sensibles d'utilisateurs, dont leur numéro de permis de conduire. Les escrocs de l'Internet recherchent toute les informations possibl... Cet article Hertz corrige une fuite de données, dont des permis de conduire est apparu en premier sur ZATAZ.
Well, now we know why Twitter decided to move its earnings report to before the market opens (when the West Coast will conveniently, largely be asleep). Bloomberg is reporting that the company may cut up to 8% of its staff, or around 300 people, and that the cuts could be announced as soon as this week. As usual these situations are very dynamic, so all of the above could shake out to be... Read More
Google want to know everywhere that you're looking. Today, Eyefluence announced that it has been acquired by Google. The eye-tracking interface startup founded in 2013 had raised $21.6M in funding from investors including Intel Capital, Jazz Venture Partners, Motorola Solutions Venture Capital and NHN Investment. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. Eyefluence shared the... Read More
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