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Depuis les dernières mises à jour d'iOS 7, il est maintenant possible d'effectuer des appels VOIP (c'est-à-dire Voice Over Internet Protocol) gratuits, via l'application native FaceTime sur iPhone, iPad et iPod Touch, sans utiliser de services tiers. Concrètement, cela signifie que vous êtes en mesure d'effectuer des appels téléphoniques partout dans le monde gratuitement, sous… Lire cet article »
BitNami has added a MongoDB stack for developers to build web apps on the popular NoSQL database. The stack allows developer to deploy and manage either on-premise, through Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Windows Azure. The Y combinator alum's new stack comes integrated with Node.js and is available for free from the BitNami app store as a native installer or virtual machine for local development, or as a cloud template for the Amazon and Windows Azure cloud computing platforms.
Axel Hansen and Jonah Varon began building Newsle as undergraduates at Harvard to fill a nagging gap among today's news aggregators. The idea being that, as popular as Google Alerts may be, people want to read news based on who their friends and colleagues are and who they want to know more about. But, from Varon and Hansen's vantage point, the existing options didn't go far enough, so they decided to build one that would.
President Obama sat down for an extended interview with NBC's Chuck Todd about the epic failure of the healthcare website and National Security Agency spying. The video is embedded below. I'll get right to the quotes and add context: – “I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances
In an internal message today, our AOL Global CTO Curtis Brown announced an "exciting event" that will be taking place next month in AOL campuses around the world. In an "exciting twist" on the TechCrunch-branded Disrupt events, the company will be running an internal "Hackathon" and "Idea Battlefield" in which participants will be able to "pitch their ideas" in front of "judges." Winning ideas will be "considered for actual development."
Selon le dernier rapport sur l'évolution des malwares Android publié par Bitdefender, les techniques utilisées par les menaces sur mobiles se rapprochent de plus en plus de celles utilisées sur PC, à l'exemple du malware bancaire Zeus qui s'est répandu sous l'appellation ZitMo dans sa version mobile. La sécurité mobile sur Android n'est plus facultative mais... obligatoire. - Logiciels
La version 5.8 apporte des améliorations et nouveautés sur le workflow, à la synchronisation du contenu et aux APIs REST. - Logiciels
Kroll Ontrack annonce que, pour la troisième année consécutive, plus de 10 % des supports ont été ouverts avant envoi, réduisant de près de la moitié les chances d'une récupération réussie. - Revue de presse
Notre confrère Cowcotland a récemment publié un test de la S113BT du constructeur Arctic, une enceinte Bluetooth livrée avec tout son nécessaire de transport...
Our colleagues at CrunchBase found themselves in the spotlight this morning when Wired published a story about their legal dispute with a startup called Pro Populi over its app People+. Now the CrunchBase team has responded in a post of its own, making the case for why it was going after People+ and also acknowledging that it may have more to learn about how it can and can't control CrunchBase content.
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