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Revue de presse "Nom de domaine"

Nous mettons à votre disposition une revue de presse consacrée aux noms de domaine. Consultez ci-dessous les dernières actualités.

30/03/13 - Business Insider's Owen Thomas Is In Talks Be The New Editor At ReadWrite

My old boss Owen Thomas is very close to becoming the new editor-in-chief at the SAY Media-owned tech site ReadWrite, according to sources with knowledge of the company. I'm hearing that it's not quite a done deal, but that it's looking very likely. Naturally, I called Owen to ask if this was the case, but he declined to comment. A SAY spokesperson told me, "There's obviously a lot of interest in ReadWrite. There are a lot of good candidates in the mix, and no one's been hired yet."

30/03/13 - Transcend : une carte microSD de 64 Go à 45 Mo/s

Transcend a annoncé hier le lancement d'une carte mémoire microSD de 64 Go qui serait à la fois plus rapide et plus économique que ses concurrentes. Transcend n'est pas le premier à proposer des ca [...]

30/03/13 - Radeon Sky Series : AMD dévoile ses solutions dédiées au cloud gaming

Après Nvidia au CES 2013, AMD profite de la GDC (Game Developers Conference) pour annoncer à son tour ses solutions de cloud gaming. Il dévoile notamment la gamme de cartes graphiques Radeon Sky Serie [...]

29/03/13 - Under Amazon's Wing, Goodreads Plans Closer Integration While Retaining Its Indy Status

Following this afternoon's announcement that Amazon has agreed to acquire Goodreads, I had a few minutes to talk to the Goodreads CEO Otis Chandler and Amazon VP of Kindle Content Russ Grandinetti. They stayed pretty vague about the two things I was most curious about — how the deal came together, and the specifics of

29/03/13 - Les Bons Plans de JIBAKA : Hitman Absolution à 8.74 E

Steam propose le très récent et même très bon Hitman Absolution à seulement 8.74 E.Suivez la source. Source : Cowcotland | Infos et commentaires

29/03/13 - Delicious Becomes A Bit More Social Again, Adds Twitter And Facebook Logins

It's recently been very quiet around Delicious, the social bookmarking service Yahoo bought in 2005 and then sold to AVOS in 2011. Back then, the AVOS team said it was relaunching Delicious “back to beta,” but Delicious hasn't made all that many waves since then, nor has it added all that many features to the relaunched

29/03/13 - Facebook To Reveal “A New Home On Android” At April 4th Event, Likely A Modified Operating System

Facebook has just invited members of the press to an event at its headquarters on April 4th to "Come See Our New Home On Android". Sources tell us it will be a modified version of the Android operating system with deep native Facebook functionality that will live on an HTC Handset. This may actually be the Facebook Phone announcement people have been speculating about.

29/03/13 - Office-As-A-Service RocketSpace Doubles Real Estate To Accomodate Bigger Startups

Startups around the world are desperate for office space in the San Francisco Bay Area, so tomorrow RocketSpace will announce the lease of a new 50,000 sq ft office so it can house startups with up to 60 employees instead of capping them at 30. Along with this RocketSpace Suites project, the "office-as-a-service" plans to lock down another 100,000 sq ft spot and open a space in London this year.

29/03/13 - Le mythique «Facebook phone» dévoilé le 4 avril?

HIGH TECH - L'entreprise a convié la presse à un mystérieux événement autour d'Android...

29/03/13 - Le mythique Facebook phone dévoilé le 4 avril?

HIGH TECH - L'entreprise a convié la presse à un mystérieux événement autour d'Android...

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