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Revue de presse "Nom de domaine"

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27/01/13 - Apple n'est plus la première capitalisation boursière mondiale

Après la présentation des résultats financiers pour la fin d'année 2012, le cours d'Apple a chuté largement sous la barre des 500 dollars, lui faisant perdre son titre de première valorisation boursière mondiale.

27/01/13 - Want The Best Enterprise Software? “Date” It

Editor's note: Mikkel Svane is CEO and co-founder of Zendesk. It’s hard to imagine the time when you couldn’t date anyone you liked. Cultural barriers got in the way. Your access to information was limited, and your ways of communicating were few. You were restricted from true choice. Then the culture changed, and technology helped it. Today’s dating world is transformed by both changes in culture and technology, and when we talk about the “consumerization of the enterprise,” the same changes have occurred.

27/01/13 - Truth, Money, Right, Wrong

Yesterday I wrote about the ongoing CNET editorial independence issue. I said that the editors and journalists at CNET were part of the problem, and suggested that they either publish their

27/01/13 - The Roger Dubuis Quatuor Watch Attempts To Outfox Gravity With Four Separate Balance Wheels

Today's watch porn comes courtesy of Roger Dubuis, a manufacturer of odd timepieces. Their latest, the Quatour (which kind of sounds like a character from Total Recall), is a watch with four separate escapements that average each other out as the watch is worn. It's very weird.

27/01/13 - Unlocking Your Phone Is Now Illegal, But What Does That Mean For You?

All the salacious headlines are (mostly) true -- as of today, you can't unlock a carrier-subsidized smartphone on your own before the contract associated with it runs out without technically running afoul of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Granted, I'd wager that the number of people who faithfully stick to their multi-year wireless contracts far exceeds the number of people who would unlock their phones and bail, but this is still a damned lousy turn of events for all you proponents of phone freedom out there (myself included). But how did this actually happen?

26/01/13 - Le Troll de la semaine : Internet et la langue française

Cette semaine, un débat a alimenté la toile : l'apparition du terme mot-dièse en remplacement de hashtag. Doit-on vraiment traduire l'ensemble des termes liés à Internet ? Doit-on aller jusqu'à franciser le mot Internet ?

26/01/13 - Ramos W42 : tablette avec quad-core Samsung sous Android ICS

La marque Ramos, que l’on connait essentiellement pour ses baladeurs multimédias, vient de dévoiler une tablette tactile W42 avec coque aluminium.

26/01/13 - 208ème édition de la VALC du dimanche

Aujourd'hui dans notre nouvelle édition de la VALC du dimanche, lors d'une séance de psychothérapie, un "gamer" se rend compte qu'il manque d'amour. Heureusement, le Dr Guzz est là pour lui donner quelques précieux conseils.

26/01/13 - Mises à jour et téléchargements de la semaine

Comme chaque dimanche, retrouvez les mises à jour et téléchargements de la semaine.

26/01/13 - A Closer Look At The Quality Of Angel Returns Data

Editor's note: David Teten is a partner with ff Venture Capital and founder and chairman of Harvard Business School Alumni Angels of Greater New York.  The good news for TechCrunch readers: Every major study conducted to date has placed angel investors’ internal rate of return (IRR) between 18 and 38 percent, as summarized by my Partner John Frankel and Professor Robert Wiltbank in previous TechCrunch articles. The bad news: The data on angel returns has historically been difficult to obtain, analyze, verify and, therefore, rely upon.

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