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Ce sont des questions qui peuvent paraître amusantes pour certains, mais dans notre monde, on peut se demander si ce sont des réalités qui arrivent ou si ce n'est pas déjà le cas de certains qui comme si c'était Matrix étaient déjà dans le moule depuis bien longtemps, vous n'y... Découvrez l'article en entier avec la source en lien.
Editor’s note: This weekend we’re running a new column called Backed or Whacked by Ross Rubin, principal analyst at Reticle Research, focusing on consumer technologies, and writer for Engadget. The iPad mini stole the show at Apple’s far-flung October 23rd product introduction, and this means more creating a more compelling alternative to the iPad 2 while taking a backseat to the muscled-up fourth-generation iPad that retains nearly the same dimensions.
Samsung a annoncé qu’il avait vendu 30 millions de Galaxy S III depuis sa commercialisation le mois de mai dernier et 3 millions de Galaxy Note II 40 jours après sa sortie.
Microsoft serait en train de tester son propre smartphone, selon le Wall Street Journal qui a obtenu cette information de sources au sein des fournisseurs asiatiques.
I can't tell if this is a major social media gaffe by social media itself, or the most honest thing Facebook has ever said. Maybe it's both. Last night Facebook's official Facebook Page shared this: "Birthday cakes are made for people to be together. They give friends a place to gather and celebrate. But too much cake probably isn’t healthy. So birthday cake is a lot like Facebook." Wow.
The next generation of apps will require developers to think more of the human as the user interface. It will become more about the need to know how an app works while a person stands up or with their ams are in the air more so than sitting down and pressing keys with their fingers.
Siri got nice little boost a few weeks ago when she (or he, depending on your locale) was updated to handle sports information, restaurant reservations and movie listings, but it seems the virtual assistant's faculty with films will soon extend beyond rattling off showtimes. According to a handful of images obtained by 9to5Mac, Siri will be able to help users buy movie tickets once iOS 6.1 hits the streets.
Eudora, les bases du passé au service d’une messagerie d’avenir !
It's happening, just like Marc Andreessen said it would -- more and more companies that have historically operated in the analog realm are crossing over into technology. The latest cool example of this is the eyewear company Oakley. While Oakley has always been closely associated with sports and has therefore used advanced materials, the end result is ultimately for things that are relatively low-tech -- glasses, sunglasses, and the like.
Editor's Note: We had Lynda Harrison, writer Drew Olanoff's mom, review an advance copy of the first episode of Bravo's "Start Ups: Silicon Valley," premiering Monday, November 5th. Because we can. Harrison lives in New Jersey and tweets at @sw33ti3. I really wanted to watch this program with an open mind, despite the
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